Tuesday 9 February 2010

Machine Head at Forest National/Vorst Nationaal

Last Friday,  after spending the whole day in a meeting/conference that I had been organising for the last three months, I had a little pearl waiting for me: Machine Head were playing right here in Brussels and I could not resist and got myself a ticket a few weeks ago.

I came home after the meeting, so tired, checked B for the trains and then went to rest for a bit.
For some reason, I got the idea that the train was at 19.12 instead of 19.06 so.... I arrived there a little too late to get that one. The next train was only at 19.39. Went to sit in the waiting room and not long after a homeless person, who unfortunately smelled really bad, sat right next to me. I didn't want to get up all of a sudden, to be rude, so I stayed there for another five minutes, not inhaling, just breathing through my mouth and then decided to just get up and wait the rest of the time standing somewhere else.

My train arrived on time (several trains were late that evening) but, suddenly, when we reached Forest I realised I was not at Forest Est, I was at Forest Zuid/Midi, in the middle of the factories!!!! It was quite dark already and there was almost no one to be seen... I went to talk to the security guy and asked him for help, because I couldn't seem to find the way out. "You should take the tunnel and then turn right". "That tunnel over there", I asked. And he said yes, so I tried that tunnel that went under the rails. When I came out on the other side, I could only see more factories and no way out. I walked towards the first building where there was still light on and another security guy. I went in and asked for help - he was one of the rudest persons I have EVER met! He turn to me and said "I don't work for the train company, I don't have to tell you anything about trains or buses. This is private property" etc etc. Again, I asked him for help and he replied to me the exact same way, gesticulating a lot... I didn't want to be as rude as him, so I just turn my back and walked away, leaving him to continue directing his rudeness... Is it that hard to help someone, even if they are on private property?!

I face palmed and thought to myself "I really get myself in the most awkward situations sometimes".

Walked back to the first security guy, who was very nice once again, but he was still unsure about the direction. Luckily, when he was leaving his little "house" to help me, a lady was coming from one of the factories and explained to me how to get out and that I was really close to the centre, 5-minute walk.

Note: If you ever want to take the train to go to Forest National, make sure you type Forest EST, so you don't leave any space for mistakes.

The 5-minute walk was more like a 15-minute walk, but I didn't really care. I was just happy not be stuck in the middle of the factories in the dark any more.

I finally arrived to the venue around 20.20. And then I realised - oops, the doors opened at 18h and not at 19h, which means the bands started at 19h and not at 20h and the second band was already finishing their performance by the time I arrived. Face palm again! I was really out that day! :) I have been to so many concerts and I don't recall ever mixing the timetable, but I honestly just really wanted to see Machine Head, so I guess I got what I wanted. No All Shall Perish and no Hatebreed for me then. 

Machine Head started playing at 21.00 and played until 22.45.
It was a brilliant concert as usual, they are definitely one of my favourite live bands. The set list was quite mixed, new and older stuff to please everyone.
It's the third year they tour with The Blackening album and for me it was the third time I saw them - once each year in three different countries :) First Germany, then Portugal and now Belgium. In each one of those times their performances were amazing!

Here's a "couple" pictures :)












The only downside was that during my favourite song, Halo (the one before the last, Davidian as usual), I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings and I think a guy might have jumped, fell on the guy next to me, who then fell on me and elbowed my nose. I was lucky, because he hit the bone and not the cartilage - if he had hit my cartilage that hard I am sure it would have broken in a very nasty way. Anyway, didn't broke, was just swollen for a few days and, after all, it was a metal concert so... I knew what I was going for :) (sorry, it's a Portuguese expression).

Thank you Machine Head!!

No weird events to report on the trip back home :)

Note: If you're interested in going to a concert at Forest National, there are several options, being the fastest getting a train at Central Station. It only takes 10 minutes and drops you at Forest EST, less than five minutes walking from the venue. Normally, though the timetable may change depending on the days, the last train leaves at 23.06 and concerts normally finish on time so people have enough time to get to the small train station and catch the last train.

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