Monday 8 February 2010

Last half of January

To avoid having a huge post, I will divide this in several parts.

The day after Carmina Burana there was a Christmas/New Year Party at work. It was a lot of fun! We got to see the big boss, he gave us a nice pep talk while we were having free champagne. After, we had a very nice buffet dinner and ended up dancing to some old tunes in the middle of the hall, that had been turned into a dance floor. Considering this party was on a Thursday, on Friday people wanted to work even less than usual, haha.

The Saturday after I had some people here for dinner and we had a pizza workshop. My Italian friend got a nice recipe for dough (still waiting for that recipe lady!) and we got our hands dirty and made yourselves some pizza!

(melting Mars for the delicious desert and preparing the bacon for the pizza)

(Pizza 1/4)

 (Pizza 3?)

  (and the view again. I love it!)

And because that was suppose to be a Pizza&Movie night, when we were done with the food (or part of it) at around midnight, we finally started watching a movie - The Ugly Truth. Was not bad. After that one, we - the three remaining people - tried to watch I Hate Valentines Day, but we were so tired and Nia Vardalos face looked so plastic that we gave up not long after.

On the week after that, the partying started on Thursday. We had a girls Movie evening with Twilight - a couple girls had actually not seen it yet and, you know what, they liked it! :P 

On Friday we had a multi-birthday party - 4 friends celebrating their birthdays together on a mega-party! It was so much fun!! Hope you guys loved the t-shirts (I certainly did and want one for myself too)! We even had our own wristbands, haha.


On the next evening, still following the birthday celebrations, we had dinner at Kokob, a fascinating Ethiopian restaurant in the centre of Brussels. We got a very nice menu for 25€ and got to try several specialities. We had to eat with our hands, using some kind of pancake bread and, following the tradition, the first two bites were given to the person sitting next to you. Good fun and the food was delicious! Warning: if you don't want to feel full too fast, don't eat the "pancake" bread like crazy, take it easy.



Because it was a special weekend and we had friends over, that Sunday we also had a Pizza Brunch here. The first pizza was done at around 13.40 and there was pizza rolling until almost 18h.



(no wonder if someone got a couple extra kilos that weekend...)

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