Monday 8 February 2010


After almost four and a half years, I finally managed to go to Ireland to visit my dear friend. My first time in the Emerald Island :)

I arrived Tuesday night (just two days after the Pizza Brunch) and stayed until Sunday evening. Got a nice flight from aerlingus from Zaventem (National Airport, ca. 20 minutes from the centre of Brussels).
The first shock - hey, remember, people drive on the wrong side of the road in this country and the driver sits on the wrong side as well! That took a while to get used to (kept asking myself why my friend was not getting in on the left side of the car). When we got to her place (and her sisters), she welcomed me with some mouldy bread (you are forgiven honey) :) The following day was her birthday, so I gave her my present and birthday card and after talking for a while, went to sleep.

Wednesday - slept long :) The girls were at work and I stayed home relaxing. After the shower I was amazed!! The water is so nice in Ireland! Here in Brussels the water dries your skin so much that you always have to have lotion around, but in Ireland my skin felt so nice and smooth (one point for Ireland!).

I met my friend in the city that evening and we went to Fridays for dinner with some friends of hers. They had some nice frozen and strawberry daikiris and the food was also quite good. We got one of those 15€ menus.

(her birthday cake/ice cream)

Then we went to a bar, I can't recall the name... But it was literally next to Krystle. On Wednesday they have an amusing special promotion - every drink 2€! The bar/pub was quite full, despite it being huge (when you see it from the outside, like my friend says, it just looks like some old houses, but on the inside it's enormous). I got to see how Irish girls dress up for the nights out and... well... Some of them were quite sexy, but altogether it seemed like a competition to see who can wear the shortest/smallest dress and the highest heels.

Hope you had a great birthday honey! :)

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