Monday 8 February 2010

Ireland - Wicklow Mountains and Glendalough

My friend took Thursday and Friday off, so we would have time to do some sight-seeing.

On Thursday we drove through the Wicklow Mountains, so I could see the country side. It was cloudy and cold, but it was beautiful up there. We kind of got stuck on Sally Gap, when suddenly the road was completely blocked with snow. It seemed like a scene from a movie.



My friend did a very tight U-turn and we went back t0 where we came from. She wanted to show me a big waterfall close, but the access was closed.
We spent quite some time driving around, trying to find the Motty Stone (close to Avoca), but.... it didn't happen. No worries, next time ;)

To compensate, earlier we did find our way to Glendalough and, instead of describing, I will simply post some pictures. I loved it!









This lovely location has been the scenery for several movies, such as Braveheart.

That night we had a lovely dinner with her parents. I tried the "original" salt & vinegar chips :)

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