Tuesday 23 February 2010

Day 137

When I got to the office this morning, there were two grey toned papers, announcing the funeral of two people that worked here. About an hour later, another paper was added to that pile. I think these people might have died following the major train crash in Halle last week. May their souls find peace, wherever they are...

On a completely different note, yesterday I finally went to Kitty O'Shea's. Interns with a special discount card had good deals and though these deals were there every Monday since the beginning of October, I had never managed to go and decided I should at least try  it on my last week. Managed to get two Carlsberg pints for the amazing price of 3,90€ :) It was a pleasant evening with two Portuguese friends.

Today is grey and rainy and I am getting a little stressed because I can't seem to find vacancies to apply to...

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