Friday 12 February 2010

Day 126

A couple days ago the snow and the cold came back to Brussels.



Today I am home, took the day off :) Still have one more day off to enjoy next week.
I was suppose to be writing cover letters for job applications, but my Word has been having some kind of problems for a few months now and I can't seem to fix it :( it keeps freezing and complains that it's still looking for some printer...

Yesterday I went back to Start People and finally registered. Now I just have to send my CV via e-mail every two weeks and hope to get lucky real soon.

The streets are still a little white and there's ice all around, but there are rays of light breaking through the grey clouds, hitting my face :)

Weekend :) 

On reading matters: finished (re)reading Harry Potter in Portuguese (how awful was that translation some times) and am currently reading The Shinning and hoping it won't creep me out and let me sleep. 


  1. lol, on your comment about The Shinning... But I also it will not freak you out and let you sleep.

    Even though I know that uou are not a big fan of snow, the photos look great :)
