Monday 12 October 2009

Day 5

Today I spent most of the time wondering around, trying to look for all those A louer signs. I did see quite a lot of them, but unfortunately most were for apartments or studios/room for over 600€ and that is, let's say, not acceptable. Need to find something nice, on the price range of max 450€.... Let's see how successful I will be at that.
Actually I got to see a room today, but didn't like it much.
Have about three other rooms pending, hoping to check them out in the next couple days.
Scamming alert again....  two adds from that turned out to be a mere waste of time.
Anyways, here's a couple of pictures:

(I could imagine stories in a house like that) 

(typical Belgian houses - not very wide, with the most dangerous stairs) 

(church near Madou) 

Some Dutch channel was playing the Finale of Season 5 from Lost. I found it randomly while zapping and couldn't resist. The whole Juliet scene always makes me cry... Gief Season 6 now!!

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