Friday 9 October 2009

Day 1

Time to grab all the stuff that I need, get two trains and travel to the city where I will be living for the next five months: Brussels

It’s always challenging to pack when you are moving somewhere, maybe slightly more complicated when you are moving to another country. There’s so much that you know you need, but at the same time, in my case, I had to think that I would have to carry it all by myself and didn’t want to exaggerate thinking about stuff that could be sent in parcels or so (not sending any actually).

Living in Central (Western?!) Europe is good in the sense that not always you need to fly to places, you can actually use the train to travel to another country and, occasionally, get amazing prices. This was the first time I moved to another country and didn’t need to fly.

Two trains, one stop in Cologne – had never been there before. Managed to carry (at times drag) my stuff to the so famous Cathedral just by the station. The Cathedral is separated by the station by three flights of stairs… oh dread… Stairs are one of your worst enemies when you are carrying luggage. Checked it out very fast, did a couple pictures and then decided I didn’t want to carry by backpacks anymore and went to the station, sat down waiting for my train.

Travelling companion: Age of Five, book one, The Priestess of the White.

Arrived in Brussels around 16.45, dragged my stuff across town to find my friend’s place, where I am staying for the first couple days, until I find a room for myself (will be forever thankful for your hospitality A.).

Ended up “resting my eyes” on the couch for about an hour.

Met some new people, saw a little of the centre by night, even ended up at a birthday party of my friend’s friend neighbour (if that makes sense). Was good fun, delicious chocolate cake.

Tried a beer I had been recommended: Chimay. Tastes a little like Hefe Weissen (Erdinger, Paulaner, Franziskaner) but served in a 0,33l.

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