Saturday 10 October 2009

Day 3

Last night was that first Welcoming Party that I mentioned.
But before going there, I had a lovely dinner with my "temporary house mates". My friend's house mate cooked the most delicious risotto.

After, we went to meet some people that were going to this party as well. I met a very nice Italian girl; a Romanian girl who speaks perfect Portuguese, I really was amazed! (had never in my life heard a foreigner speaking Portuguese like that, no accent, nothing, just perfect); and a Norwegian couple. The latter warned us that Norwegians tend to drink differently then other Europeans, for they start to drink much earlier and do it with no reason and no notion when to stop. Funny couple...

The party started at 10pm, we only arrived on the last bus after midnight (weird that there isn't transportation for the whole night through, specially seeing that it was a Friday night) and still had to wait probably over half an hour to get in. It was raining outside, so it wasn't the most comfortable situation, but it could be worse.

This party was in the middle of a wood/forest, inside a very interesting building. It was mostly composed by a big dance floor, a little room with sofas where they prepared +4€ toasts and another side with a couple bars, one of them in the middle of the room. Those rooms with the bars had the most interesting chandeliers.


I saw people wearing the most interesting outfits. Guys with a suit and tie, girls with huge high heels, amazingly cut dresses and then people wearing jeans (like myself) or even with more extreme looks (just one sort of punk, I think).
The music was not amazing... On the side that I spent more time, the music was more Bob Marley feeling, peace and love, and on the big dance floor, it was mostly techno, but the sound was SO loud, we didn't stand it for more than 5 minutes. Where was the rock and the 80s?!
I had one drink, one Corona (they didn't have Desperados, which I kind of felt like drinking last night) for 5€ and  that was it.

Anyways, wasn't an amazing party, but it was ok. 
Landing time: 4am.

Today the weather wasn't so nice. For a while, it kept changing from heavy rain to beams of sunlight, then rain again. When it calmed down a little, we went out and I got to see a bit of another site of town, around Porte de Namur. This city appears to be really diverse, still a lot to see :)

Turns out, the supermarket I went yesterday, GB Carrefour, is actually one of the most expensive. Need to try others.

And the Pralinés shop is called Leonidas and it's all around.

Tonight might be a quiet one, sitting around, maybe watch a movie. 
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!

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