Friday 9 October 2009

Day 2

First day waking up in Brussels.

Body is sore, dunno if from sleeping on a different bed or because of carrying all my stuff yesterday (or maybe both?).

After checking online for more room ads, I went for a long walk in the city.

On the way, got a Belgian SIM-Card (trying BASE/Allo RTL for the time being) and managed to get an appointment for opening a bank account (they were full until next Wednesday...).

For lunch, I decided to try something like McDonalds called Quick. It's more or less the same, I have to say...

Dessert: two strawberries and two pieces of banana covered in dark chocolate (not at Quick, at a Pralines shop called.... Leopold? not sure), couldn't resist... There's chocolate shops EVERYWHERE here.... I am doomed... lol. No, I will try not to eat a lot of chocolate, but I have to try some, right?

Apparently Belgium is also known by its beer and it seems there's a lot of different things to try.

Had time to check the Cathedral S. Michel and wondered around the centre (Bourse etc).
Found cd shops (very important!) and even found a place that sells tickets for a concert I would like to go next weekend, but the price isn't very appealing (44€ are you kidding me?!).

When my legs started to hurt, came back and went to the supermarket for the first time. Oh man, are things expensive here! It's going to be a struggle....

There's this Welcoming Party for people who are doing the same internship/traineeship/stage (whatever) as me tonight, and I should be going. Good chance to meet lots of people, maybe even find a future housemate, who knows :)

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