Tuesday 12 January 2010

Day 96

Yesterday was one of those days...

It started off nicely; despite it being a Monday, I was in a good mood. But I knew there was something coming... as in, I knew I had to talk to someone, work-related stuff, and I kept postponing it, because... let's say... talking to that person feels like you're talking to a wall sometimes. I find it incredible how such little sentences can contain that abusive amount of arrogance and self-righteousness! I tried to keep calm, but the thruth is that I almost got in a fight (and I am all for peace & love)... and I even had to talk to that person again later. When it was time to leave the office, I almost ran out, because I couldn't stand one more moment here.

Went home, tried to calm down a bit. Needed to go shopping, had no food left.
So I went to Delhaize and filled my little basket. When I was standing in line, a person that works there told people that there was some problem with the machines and that they don't know if it would be fixed in 10 or 20 minutes. I decided to wait, because I really needed the food anyway and it all been picked out. I waited another 5 minutes and the guy said that they didn't really know when the computers would be working again and asked us, if we didn't mind, to put our groceries back or just leave them where we were standing. I put them all back, one by one - it was like shopping in reverse.

Still needed food, of course, so I went to GB, which is SO much more expensive than Delhaize :( I normally don't take a lot of time shopping, especially if I have to carry everything and considering that I am living so close to the supermarket and can always go back the following day to get something I forgot; but it took me over an hour and fifteen minutes...

This morning I went to Start People to register as an interim, had all the documents I needed on me. But they didn't let me register, because apparently they are only accepting applications from trainees on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 2-4pm. No, it doesn't matter that I had everything on me and that there was no one else waiting, I will have to go back tomorrow or another day. What is it with these people....

Anyway... this week is going to be quite full.
Today there will be a birthday drink for someone I know.
Tomorrow I will go to Bozar to see Carmina Burana (Carl Orff) and the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven. Should be brilliant.
Then on Thursday there will be a late Christmas party at work.
I guess I will be entertained...

P.S.: Had to work with that person again today. The person was in a good mood, so was I. All is well.

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