Sunday 10 January 2010

Day 94

One year ago, a Portuguese young man drowned in the Spree waters in Berlin. It was a very sad story and I won't go into details. I just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten and I don't think I ever will and (maybe to myself again) I hope you have found peace, wherever you are.

On a completely different note, last night I forgot to mention my travel companions.
I finished reading Age of Five before even flying back to Brussels. I really enjoyed that world and the fantasy tale: the Siyee, the Elai, the main characters and, of course, the Gods - beautiful!

I then started reading The Host from Stephenie Meyer. I think she has very nice strong ideas, but in a way I don't think she manages to express them properly. All those worlds have quite some potential, but in the end... It already was a rather long book, so I guess she had to cut somewhere. The Soul is a bit like Bella in certain aspects, always self-sacrificing; and, again, a love-triangle (or should I call it a square)... After the world of Trudi Canavan, it was a difficult passage, but I did enjoy the book and it's ending.

I am currently reading (re-reading) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, obviously from J.K. Rowling, but I am reading it in Portuguese this time, for a change.

Once I finish this one, I have The Shinning from Stephen King awaiting :)

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