Friday 6 November 2009

Day 29

Wow, day 29 already... It's almost been a month since I arrived here.

The last few days have been more or less quiet.
Things at work were not very challenging this week, but I am sure it will be better soon.

Sometimes I think to myself and I realise that I am not yet really aware that I am in Brussels, working at this institution. A couple weeks ago I thought "in two weeks time it will probably dawn on me" or something of the likes but... nope. I guess, when it's finished and done, maybe then I will believe it all.

Yesterday I went to a little birthday get together at one of the most amazing apartments I have been to since I am here. I met quite some German people, but also a Nigerian fellow. It was really interesting to talk to him about our experiences living in Germany and how we agree in certain aspects about life and people there (yes, I am not alone! haha).

Tomorrow there will an organised day trip to Gent, so I hope I can make a couple good pictures and post them here.

On a last note: I have not yet registered at the Comune here in Brussels and, after the stories I keep hearing from one of the persons I share office with, I don't think I will. These Belgians are crazy - so says my friend A. and I subscribe :)

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