Sunday 1 November 2009

Day 24

Another week has already passed.... Amazing how time flies!

At work, I finally started doing things, some of them rather challenging (had a meeting with people speaking French for over two hours and had to take notes, so I could write the minutes....).

Part of the week was also revolving around the Prodigy concert and the whole "to get or not to get tickets". On Tuesday I tried to check online if there were still tickets available, but the official website ( stated pas disponible. So I walked (on high heels.. big mistake) around the centre, to go to two places that I knew should be selling tickets and they told me "sorry, it's sold out". The disappointment... On Wednesday I decided to check again online and...  disponible again!! I decided to make phone calls to confirm if that was right and they told me there were still very few tickets on reserve. I decided to buy the tickets, but then they didn't take my type of credit card.... Because this had been planned with my friend A., she said she could use her card. "All fine", we thought. But when she tried to order the tickets from work, for some reason, the website was blocked! When she finally arrived home, the site said there were no more tickets again... Still, there was some hope, because I had found someone selling two tickets on eBay and we ended up buying those online. Now we are waiting for them to arrive with the mail, to check if they are for real - If they are, then we made a really good deal.

On Thursday it was the birthday of the Italian girl I had gone with to that first party. We started drinking at 6pm and partied until after midnight. I had SO much fun! In the end, we went  (back) to a pub (Old Oak) where there was a Eurotrash Halloween Metal Party. It was great! Happy birthday again, piccola. 

However, I don' think I should be going out during the week very often! :) I didn't have a hangover on Friday, was actually feeling really good and motivated in the morning, but still, going out when you have work to finish and hand in might not be the best idea. Was still good fun though. 

Last night, saturday, I went with the Italian girl and a friend of hers to a very interesting pub. They have over 2000 beers!!! We tried to taste as much different beers as possible and, unfortunately... two of them were REALLY bad! But now we know :)

(that's actually a glass of beer)

We also had tequilla :)


And... to finish this lovely post, I will show you a picture of something I found out in the kitchen in the place I have been living. The place had an odd smell when I went to live there and I keep finding the reasons why (another one were rotten things in the fridge). So, here it goes....


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