Wednesday 3 March 2010

Last post...

I left Brussels two days ago, so this is my last post.
I don't think it will have a logical order, so it might sound slightly mixed.

First, I forgot to mention a couple of movies :) In Ireland I saw The Notebook for the first time (my friend kept saying that I HAD to see it!) and I loved it. I also watched it again with my housemate. A movie that I also rewatched was P.S. I Love You, that I first saw in the cinema back in December 2007. Lovely, lovely. The last new movie I watched features Robert De Niro and it was also quite nice. Heavy and sad, but good.

So... the last few days...

On Friday I had lunch with my unit and they gave me 3 cute books - one about Belgian cusine, one about the secrets of Brussels and one that kinda makes fun of Belgians from a foreigner perspective. The day altogether was quite quiet. It didn't feel like the end. Stayed at home that night watching a movie.

On Saturday, during the afternoon we went to the city centre and had a drink at the Zebra Bar as usual :) That night a friend had a goodbye party and it was a chance to, again, say more goodbyes. Thanks for the party!! :)

On Sunday we had some friends over during the afternoon and played a board game. Was nice to see them one more time and, again, say goodbye. Watched a movie.

I had already packed pretty much everything on Saturday morning and by that point I was starting to fear whether I could carry all of it by myself to the station. Called a friend to help me out on Monday morning and she agreed and was even gonna drive me to the train station :)

Woke up earlier than needed on Monday, packed the last things, cleaned up, waited for the time to pass. My friend arrived and it was time to leave. Thank you so much for your help, I will never forget it!!

This time, for a change, it all worked out quite well with the trains. My first train arrived with only 5 minutes delay and the second one was cancelled, but they got us a substitute train that arrived at the exact same time my ICE should have arrived and I arrived at my destination right on time - the only difference was that I had to switch trains one more time half way (which is a little annoying considering all the luggage, but it does not really matter).



So, this is it! As commonly said "all good things come to an end" and so did my first experience in Brussels. It was lovely, I met so many wonderful people that I know I will miss very much! Work wise it was really interesting and now I have this awful task to find a new job.... Things don't look so shiny at the moment (for my first "no" 450 people had applied; over 850 for the second one), it's really crazy competitive in Brussels.

Anyway... thank you to everyone who made this experience so special! I hope to see you all and Brussels real soon!

Sunday 28 February 2010

Day 142

Last night in Brussels....

When I get back to base, I will write a proper final post (or several).

It finally stopped raining and I look through the window to see the beautiful arch illuminated at night, one more time...

Friday 26 February 2010

Day 140

What happened to people this morning? Did they all got out of bed on time for a change?!
I had to let 3 metros go by before getting a place... Well, the third one was a bit silly actually, because I didn't have time to see that there were places on the next carriage (or wagon, whatever). It's not like I was late anyway....

Last day at work... and it's raining and grey...

Three more days and I'll leave Brussels....

Thursday 25 February 2010

Day 139

Another grey coloured paper on my desk....

I had actually just finished cleaning my desk, throwing away all the working papers that I won't need anymore. Only today and tomorrow left, here at the office.

In the last weeks I have been watching quite a few movies.

- Up in the Air
Liked the strong female characters. Was a bit heavy at some points and there's a couple of sad parts, but altogether, I liked it.

- Taking Woodstock
Thought it was a laugh! And I agree with some of the critics who complain about the absence of any original footage from the concerts or at least someone pretending to be those artists. OK, the emphasis was the experience, fine. But, hey, the music!!! AND, I normally don't say these things but.... Jonathan Groff really transmitted a good vibe (aka, was hot!).

- Paranormal Activity
Shouldn't have seen it... Dammit! Was simplistically scary!

- Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant
Was cute. Nice to have something less serious for a change :)

I also rewatched Adventureland (really like it, love the soundtrack!!) and the The Ugly Truth (good for some giggles).

Books wise, I am having a little break from The Shining and reading a Portuguese romance based on the life of Aristides de Sousa Mendes. It's good to read something in Portuguese for a change (HP didn't count, because it was a translation - quite bad at some points - and this book I am reading now is originally in Portuguese).

Have been having a hard time fallling asleep, dunno if because of the stupid movie or of the whole anxiety concerning the end my contract or both... Tired...

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Day 137

When I got to the office this morning, there were two grey toned papers, announcing the funeral of two people that worked here. About an hour later, another paper was added to that pile. I think these people might have died following the major train crash in Halle last week. May their souls find peace, wherever they are...

On a completely different note, yesterday I finally went to Kitty O'Shea's. Interns with a special discount card had good deals and though these deals were there every Monday since the beginning of October, I had never managed to go and decided I should at least try  it on my last week. Managed to get two Carlsberg pints for the amazing price of 3,90€ :) It was a pleasant evening with two Portuguese friends.

Today is grey and rainy and I am getting a little stressed because I can't seem to find vacancies to apply to...

Monday 22 February 2010

Day 135

Last weekend we had some friends for dinner. A friend of ours cooked a Gin tomato soup :) Was very very tasty! A couple of friends also brought dessert :) yummy.


Some of them went to a party on the underground of Café des Halles in Saint-Géry while others went to Strictly Niceness. I actually stayed in :)

The week at work was so so, not too busy.
I had two meetings with my fellow interns with the Head of our DG and the "big boss". It was nice to see that both of them sound like they have both feet on the ground and were really nice to us.

I had taken Friday off, but spent the whole afternoon in a Farewell Conference, the beginning of the end... (A big thank you to the Committee and all Sub-Committees that made their best to make this an even better experience to us all)

Last night was the Euroball, 50s/L.A. Confidential theme. 
To start the night, we had some friends (not interns) over for dinner and my housemate cooked a delicious chicken curry with white rice. We got all dressed up, girls with pretty dresses and boys with suit and tie and went to Theatre de Vaudeville, a beautiful location where this goodbye event took place.


It was amazing to see everyone again, all beautiful and cute, take crazy pictures to remember and dance together one more time.

One week to go... Then I will have to pack my stuff and leave Brussels (for now...). 

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Day 130

When I woke up this morning there was already light outside. Just a couple weeks ago it was still pitch black at that hour (7.30). It's good.... I like it :)

The hardest part of the year (at least light-wise) is over!