Wednesday 3 March 2010

Last post...

I left Brussels two days ago, so this is my last post.
I don't think it will have a logical order, so it might sound slightly mixed.

First, I forgot to mention a couple of movies :) In Ireland I saw The Notebook for the first time (my friend kept saying that I HAD to see it!) and I loved it. I also watched it again with my housemate. A movie that I also rewatched was P.S. I Love You, that I first saw in the cinema back in December 2007. Lovely, lovely. The last new movie I watched features Robert De Niro and it was also quite nice. Heavy and sad, but good.

So... the last few days...

On Friday I had lunch with my unit and they gave me 3 cute books - one about Belgian cusine, one about the secrets of Brussels and one that kinda makes fun of Belgians from a foreigner perspective. The day altogether was quite quiet. It didn't feel like the end. Stayed at home that night watching a movie.

On Saturday, during the afternoon we went to the city centre and had a drink at the Zebra Bar as usual :) That night a friend had a goodbye party and it was a chance to, again, say more goodbyes. Thanks for the party!! :)

On Sunday we had some friends over during the afternoon and played a board game. Was nice to see them one more time and, again, say goodbye. Watched a movie.

I had already packed pretty much everything on Saturday morning and by that point I was starting to fear whether I could carry all of it by myself to the station. Called a friend to help me out on Monday morning and she agreed and was even gonna drive me to the train station :)

Woke up earlier than needed on Monday, packed the last things, cleaned up, waited for the time to pass. My friend arrived and it was time to leave. Thank you so much for your help, I will never forget it!!

This time, for a change, it all worked out quite well with the trains. My first train arrived with only 5 minutes delay and the second one was cancelled, but they got us a substitute train that arrived at the exact same time my ICE should have arrived and I arrived at my destination right on time - the only difference was that I had to switch trains one more time half way (which is a little annoying considering all the luggage, but it does not really matter).



So, this is it! As commonly said "all good things come to an end" and so did my first experience in Brussels. It was lovely, I met so many wonderful people that I know I will miss very much! Work wise it was really interesting and now I have this awful task to find a new job.... Things don't look so shiny at the moment (for my first "no" 450 people had applied; over 850 for the second one), it's really crazy competitive in Brussels.

Anyway... thank you to everyone who made this experience so special! I hope to see you all and Brussels real soon!

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