Sunday 6 December 2009

Day 59

Hhmmm... what to write...

It's been a couple weeks since I last wrote.
A couple days after the Prodigy I got a little sick... I don't think it was the flu though. In the beginning, it felt like the symptoms of a bronchitis and I started taking paracetamol/ibuprofen immediately, and also taking things to keep my throat relaxed. The next day I woke up and the bronchitis symptoms were gone, instead it seemed to have settled on my throat. Long story short, I ended up not going to the doctor, but did go to the pharmacy twice and it took about two weeks for the awful cough to go away. I still have nasty colourful things to get rid of my system...

One funny fact: last weekend we had a very big goodbye party for a friend who left to start a new job in Zürich. One person who attended that party found out the next day that she had the swine flu and was put under quarantine. Just imagine if we had all caught it from her.... (there were maybe 30 people on this party) I guess we were lucky (I was already sick, lol, could barely talk at the end of the night, with all the smoke).

One thing I forgot to mentioned previously was that I went to see the concert of Gilberto Gil. A friend won free tickets and asked me if I wanted to go with him, because I had told him before that I also like Bossa Nova. It was a very nice concert!

Hhhmmm... in the meantime, work has had it's ups and downs I guess. Friday was probably one of the most interesting days for me so far, because it was a lot more active. I had been preparing a couple meetings for a while and they finally took place, it was rather interesting.

This Friday In Flames and Killswitch Engage played in Antwerp and I had really considered going, but gave up in the end... December is a difficult month.

This week I went to the Christmas market with some friends, had glühwein, some weird "swiss" thing to eat (potatoes with bacon and something?) and churros!! :D With nutella, so delicious!!

Repeating myself, time goes by so fast... In a couple days it will be two months since I first arrived and in less than two weeks I will be flying home (to Portugal) for Christmas. My internship only lasts until end of February and who knows what will happen after....

Oh, I just remembered: I moved again! Because that friend left to Zürich and he was my friend A.'s housemate, I took his room and came back to the apartment I had been living in when I first arrived. It was a bit weird to move in to his room like that (we will all miss him very much), but it makes things much easier for me. I did almost spend more time here than I did on my other place.

(Sorry for the broken post... wanted to update, but didn't really know what to write)

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